All of us at Crestview care about the success of your child. It is our goal that your child is healthy and in the classroom learning every day. Parents and families are an integral part of the home to school connection and can help by doing the following:
Absence and Tardy Policy
Please call the attendance line (913-993-3088, available 24 hours a day) or email by 8:15AM to report an absence/tardy. If you do not contact the Front Office, the absence will be considered unexcused. We will do our best to reach out to you, but it is the family's responsibility to communicate the absence with the school. Please state the following:
- Your child's first and last name.
- Your child’s teacher name and grade.
- The reason for the absence or tardy.
If you contact your student’s teachers regarding your student’s absence, please also contact the Front Office to report your child’s absence. Please allow 10 minutes before arriving at the school. Parents and guardians must come into the building to sign out their student.
The Shawnee Mission School District Elementary Handbook can be viewed by clicking here.