Grade Cards / Report Cards
Subject Grades
Grades Kindergarten-3: S, I, N, U are available in grades K-3 across all subjects
Grades 4-6: A, B, C, D, F are used in grades 4-6 in the core subject areas.
- A - Demonstrates advanced mastery of standards outlined in the curriculum.
- B - Demonstrates proficient mastery of standards outlined in the curriculum.
- C - Demonstrates basic mastery of standards outlined in the curriculum.
- D - Developing mastery of standards outlined in the curriculum.
- F - Indicates that the student's academic progress is below the standards set for a "D"
Grades 4-6: S, I, N, U are used in the specials subjects such as Art, Music, and PE.
- S - Demonstrates steady growth and demonstrates consistent achievement of instructional outcomes.
- I - Is beginning to demonstrate consistency in achievement of instructional outcomes
- N - Demonstrates inconsistent achievement of instructional outcomes.
- U - Demonstrates unsatisfactory achievement of instructional outcomes.
Guiding Descriptors for Subject Grades
- :A student may receive an S if their total percent correct on relevant assignments is 85% or better and the student is earning a ^ or better on all of the assessed skills for that quarter.
- A student may receive an I if their total percent correct on relevant assignments is approximately 75%. The student’s skill report should indicate which priority standard(s) are in need of improvement.
- A student may receive an A if their total percent correct on relevant assignments is 90% or better and the skill marks in assessed skills should generally be +’s (does not have to be all +’s).
- Other letter grades are as follows: B (80-90), C (70-80), D (60-70).
- For students with support plans (IEP, 504, ELL, or other support plan), the student must receive supports as noted in their individual plan.
Skill Grades
The skill grades (+, ^, -) indicate areas of strength and areas for improvement that are consistent with the subject grade.
+ Indicates exceptionally good progress toward end-of-year outcomes
^ Indicates expected progress toward end-of-year outcomes.
- Indicates areas where improvement is needed.
<blank> Indicates that the skill was not assessed during the specified term.
In English Language Arts and Mathematics, the skills reflect the district’s priority standards, which are determined to be high impact skills that students must have mastered for future academic success.
Guiding Descriptors for Grading: The difficulty level of the assessment used to evaluate a skill may vary from quarter 1 to quarter 4. For example, students may be expected to count to 100 by the end of the school year. During quarter 1, counting to 30 may be sufficient for marking the skill with a ^ because this symbol indicates expected progress toward end-of-year outcomes. For students with support plans (IEP, 504, ELL, or other support plan), the student must receive supports as noted in their individual plan.
+ A student may receive a + if their percent correct for questions related to this skill is approximately 85% or higher.
^ A student may receive a ^ if their percent correct for questions related to this skill is approximately 75% or higher.